I am one of the many residents of Olson that has to move, because severe water damage has catalyzed the growth of black mold in the building. Residents such as myself are angry at the situation that we have been put in, and many of us feel as though this was completely avoidable.
In December 2022, the West Wing of Brandt Hall had a pipe burst during winter break, causing water damage and dangerous amounts of asbestos to spread. It shut down the entire wing, ruined residents’ belongings and made Brandt West uninhabitable. This was unfortunate, but unforeseen, and Facilities had no warning about it, especially with harsh weather conditions.
In the case of Olson, you would think the identification of black mold on shower ceilings, and the collapse of three out of six bathroom shower ceilings (all falling within the span of one month) would spark Facilities to take immediate action from these hazards and liabilities. One might also hope that if an incident such as the one in Brandt occured, that all dorm buildings (or at least all older ones) would be inspected for asbestos, black mold, pipe damage, or other possible hindrances to dorm living. This would ensure all students in Luther residence halls were in appropriate living situations.
I want Facilities to be held accountable for their ignorance, for the dozen Fix-It’s submitted about the issue and for how they are handling the situation. They are actively ignoring our concerns and Olson residents are (literally and metaphorically) paying the price. They could have worked smarter, not harder.
Sophie Yakes (’25)
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor do not represent the views of the CHIPS organization and do not necessarily represent the views of individual CHIPS staff members. The author of the letter is solely responsible for opinions expressed in their writing.