Res-Life Makes Changes to Room Draw Process

The old room draw system that was based on the number of credit hours has been replaced with a randomized system. Photo courtesy of Kent Kriegshauser.

Luther College Residence Life has made some changes to the room draw process for the 2023-2024 school year. The process will now be randomized, replacing the credit-hour system that gave preference to those with more college credit. Assistant Dean for Student Engagement and Director of Residence Life Kris Franzen, along with the rest of the office, thought it would be a more equitable way to do the room draw process. 


“The random draw number creates a system that is more fair to all students,” Franzen said. “For the last several years students have expressed their concerns with using a room draw system based on credit hours. Students felt that the same students were being given an advantage in housing each year due to the credit hour system.”


The credit hour system placed room draw priority on students who had a higher number of credit hours. This even applied to those students who gained Advanced Placement and other college credits in high school. However, not every student is pleased with the change. Rachel Heinrich (‘24) felt that the process invalidated her academic efforts. 


“I spent all three years working really hard to get enough credits to choose whichever housing option I would like for my senior year,” Heinrich said. “Since room draw numbers are now randomized by class, we are not being rewarded for our hard work to garner all of our credits.”


With the randomized room draw, there are also certain sanctions in place. These sanctions put seniors at the front when it comes to choosing their housing, with special priority on keeping Baker Village as a senior-only housing. Alexys Harwood (‘26), a first-year applying to be an resident assistant next year, said she doesn’t see a huge problem when it comes to her housing plans. 


“I am planning to live in one of the towers anyway, so I don’t see them running out of rooms anytime soon,” Harwood said. “I could see where living in Farewell or Baker would be an issue, but I think that everyone will get the house they want regardless of their number.”


While the change in the room draw process has been quite controversial, Res-Life sees it as an opportunity to expand beyond credit hours, while also making the process easier on their end. Students have already received their random number and application deadlines for housing start with Baker Village due on Tuesday, February 28. 

“No draw system will ever be perfect,” Franzen said. “I hope students will consider the reasons why changes were made in the system and also give the new system time to work before passing full judgment on the change.”